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Covid-19 has overturned the business world. No one was prepared for this and business leaders are making decisions without a lot of information, with a ton of unknowns and doing so very quickly. The workforce swiftly went remote with little to no training or support on how to work remote.
It’s time to LEAD your organization…not only in navigating the pandemic, but in developing your employees for the future. As a traditionally undervalued function, now is your time to show the business exactly how you can be an integral part in getting through this pandemic and beyond. The opportunities are endless to make an enormous impact on this transition of workforce. I always say, there are about 30 jobs within HR. All of them are important pieces to keeping an organization running effectively. Here are a few that are critical while we navigate through these unchartered waters:
This is a great opportunity for HR to truly be the Knight in Shining Armor. It really is. One of the biggest challenges we are all facing is the unknown. It is the role of HR to create some sense of calm and confidence so people can be productive and achieve their highest potential in a temporary, but new business climate. How you lead your organization will have lasting impact. You got this!